So you’ve decided to go solar! The hard work of planning, research, comparing estimates, checking reviews, and securing financing is complete. You’ve signed the contract with your solar company and you’re ready for the installation to happen. What can you expect next?
Let your installer do the hard work
When working with an experienced installer, they’ll set you up with a dedicated customer service representative who can be your point of contact for the rest of the process. This resource will be instrumental for you to ensure the rest of the project stays on schedule and everyone gets what they need in order to get your panels working! Your rep will give you regular updates each step of the way, answer any questions you have, and point you in the right direction for applying for and receiving vital incentives and rebates. With a talented team working for you, there should be little or no surprises at this point, and any problems encountered at this stage should be solved quickly and efficiently to prevent any major delays from happening.
Get ready for the install
All Energy Solar staff installers ensure that the work is being done on time, consistently, and to the same standards by the same team. Your rep will ensure you know the exact times and dates when the install will happen so you can make sure any impediments are cleared and they have access to your house in order to complete the interior electrical work. When installed by local, fully-licensed company crews, you can rest assured that timelines will be met and any potential problems, such as adverse weather or delayed product shipments, will be quickly resolved or compensated for.
Get to know your monitoring system
Your monitoring system is the brains for your new photovoltaic system. Your sales consultant will get you up to speed on how to use the system during your close-out meeting—allowing you to track how well your panels perform and give you tips to easily see any production issues that may arise—maximizing your payback.
Support and warranties
Once the install is complete, your installer’s work is not entirely done. A trustworthy and experienced installer will be around for years to come to help support your system, should it malfunction or become damaged due to a storm. They’ll also provide you with warranty information and support for the panels, electrical work, and other components.With these preparations underway, get ready to sit back and enjoy your brand new power plant generating limitless clean energy using the power of the sun! Check out our eBook, Solar Post-Install Guide, for more information.