Modern solar systems don’t just generate free, clean, renewable energy. They also keep you informed—sometimes every 30 seconds or so—about how they’re performing for you and your household. With solar monitoring, you’ll have real-time visibility into how many kilowatt hours of electricity your solar panels are producing at any given moment, and you’ll better understand how much money your solar system is actually saving you in energy costs.
What you’ll find out with a standard monitor
When your system is installed, you’ll receive a monitoring system as part of your initial installation. It may be a physical monitor in your home, or it might be in the form of an app you can access via computer or smartphone. You can use this online information to get a clearer picture of how the system is functioning on sunny days vs. overcast days and to see how it’s performing over time.
Even more information with an eGauge
You might have included an eGauge as part of your system installation, or you might be wondering if it’s a good idea to purchase one now. An eGauge is a handy device that lets you review energy costs, optimize energy production and find more ways to save money. Because it measures whole-home energy usage and solar generation, it can be a valuable tool for energy budgeting.
The eGauge takes a measurement every 30 seconds and provides continuously updated reported. The information can be accessed directly from your smart phone. You have real-time access to information about how energy is being generated by solar panels and is being used in your house.
Consider solar power
If you’d like to know more about solar power for your home, contact your local solar installer for a free quote and to learn more about which type of solar installation is right for you.
Download our eBook, Taking Care of Your Solar Panels, to learn more about getting the most from your system.