All Energy Solar

From Incinerators to Landfills, Solar Makes All Kinds of Land Usable!

All Energy Solar has teamed up with the city of Red Wing to take advantage of the space provided by the city’s incinerator.

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What can be done with inhospitable land such as Red Wing’s Incinerator and landfills across the country?  The land doesn’t have to go to waste, so to speak.  State governments across the United States encourage the construction of solar fields on landfills to save hospitable land for other uses.  This summer, Clarkstown, NY, has started the installation of the state’s first solar project of this kind.  Clarkstown’s Supervisor Alex Gromack believes the installation will start a trend, especially due to the millions of dollars in energy costs the 2.3 megawatt project will save the city over the next twenty years.

Check out more photos of previously unused spaces now soaking up the sun on our website’s Commercial Solar Gallery under Ground Installations.

Where landfills exist, dense populations exist, leaving little land open for solar fields.  Where the landfill’s initial purpose was waste disposal, its new purpose is to improve our lives and the environment.

Contact us for a free quote to measure the solar potential of your property’s empty spaces!

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