Opportunities for incorporating sustainable energy in modern construction and design are endless. In light of rising prices of fossil fuels and the deteriorating climate, the renewable energy movement is unavoidable, and the globe is catching on. Teams of environmentalists across the world participating in the 2014 Solar Decathlon Europe have been working for eighteen months on stunning sustainable home designs, competing in categories of architecture, engineering and construction, energy efficiency, communication and social awareness, urban design, transportation and affordability, and finally, overall sustainability. Read more about each amazing house on the design innovations blog, inhabitat.
The Roma Tre University in Rome won the Grand Prize, acknowledging their innovative work in all categories. The students designed the RhOME for denCity prototype to combat the sweltering Italian summer heat, as it uses passive solar energy (solar energy harnessed without mechanical processes) and active solar energy with photovoltaic window blinds.
Here are a couple more designs that stand out–these houses are truly spectacular!
The Berlin University of the Arts and the Berlin Institute of Technology’s ROOFTOP prototype goes on top of already existing urban structures like the Altbau, a typical Berlin turn-of-the-century apartment building, providing solar power for the rooftop homes and the apartments below. Check out their video.
Taiwan’s National Chiao Tung University won first prize in the categories of urban design, affordability, and transportability. The solar house prototype, called the Orchid House, lives up to its name. It is alive in that it’s self-sufficient like a plant, using passive and active solar energy as a form of man made photosynthesis. The Orchid House also collects, distributes, and recycles its own water. The design allows the house to be transported and placed on an urban roof, freeing up room for the overcrowded city, and providing sustainable and affordable housing.
Customers of All Energy Solar share the same passion for sustainable living, and build their houses with the same sustainable concepts in mind as the students at the Solar Decathlon. All Energy Solar customer Dale Howey has taken advantage of sustainable energy from geothermal to solar for his home–even his businesses have solar installations! His garden pergola covered in solar panels is multi-purpose; it provides shade, enhances the garden’s beauty, and generates solar energy. Read More on Dale’s solar story at our website’s Case Studies page. Dale is a solar rock star!
When building your new home, consider building it like the teams of the 2014 Solar Decathlon; self-sufficient and giving back to the climate. Find a property with a lot of sun, design your home to take advantage of passive solar energy, use sustainable materials, and top it all off with active solar energy from All Energy Solar. See more details on what we can do for you on our recent blog post: How to Make Solar Part of Your Next Home Improvement Project. You’ll save money in energy costs, live comfortably, and work towards the betterment of our environment. Envision what you can do to make your property more sustainable at our website’s photo gallery, and contact us for a free quote to learn how practical and affordable solar is for your home.