All Energy Solar

2024 Minneapolis Green Cost Share

The City of Minneapolis is working towards clean energy goals and uplifting marginalized groups in the city through its Green Cost Share Program. 

Minneapolis has been including solar in its Green Cost Share program since 2018. As the program has evolved, there is now a greater push for these incentives to benefit low-income residents and environmental justice areas. The Green Cost Share is focused on building up the city of Minneapolis and creating a brighter future for its residents by addressing environmental issues and energizing the economy.

There are three categories that determine the incentive amount that property owners receive:

  • The base rate of $0.20/kWh
  • The environmental justice category provides $0.35/kWh
  • The Low-Income category offers $0.40/kWh

Properties must be located in the City of Minneapolis to qualify. Residential properties participate in a solar group purchase to receive the base rate. The solar group purchase requires five properties, with 20 percent of those properties being part of the environmental justice or the affordable housing category. 

All business/commercial, industrial, nonprofit, and multifamily properties qualify for at least the base rate of $0.20/kWh. These properties can also receive the environmental justice rate if they are located in a Green Zone or Great Street Eligible Priority Area. Multifamily properties can qualify for the low-income rate if they meet certain criteria.

Properties located in Minneapolis Green Zones or Great Street Eligible Priority Area qualify for the Environmental Justice Category, which provides $0.35/kWh for the expected first year of production. There are two distinct Green Zones in the city that have been determined by looking at neighborhoods with high levels of environmental pollution and/or racial, political, and economic marginalization. The cost share is working to help residents in these areas address environmental issues and energize the economy.

The Affordable Housing category includes those who participate in an affordable housing or utility bill support program such as the following:

  • Minneapolis 4d Affordable Housing Incentive Program
  • Low-Income Rental Classification (LIRC)
  • Income Qualified Solar*Rewards
  • Minnesota Energy Assistance Program
  • Weatherization Assistance Program

The total payout is based on the estimated annual kilowatt hours (kWh) of production for the solar array. A qualified solar installer will be able to provide you with the expected annual kilowatt hours that your solar array will produce. As an example, a standard residential array may produce 10,000/kWh for one year. This production would result in a $2,000 rebate at the base amount of $0.20.

This is the largest upfront solar incentive in the state. Minneapolis residents who are also Xcel Energy users can save even more through the Solar*Rewards program offered by the utility company. This program offers at least $0.03/kWh for ten years. Plus, all U.S. residents qualify for a 30 percent federal tax credit on solar arrays which also helps to offset costs.

On projects within Minneapolis, All Energy Solar is guaranteeing the base rate of $0.20/kWh on contracts signed by March 31, 2024. We have installed more solar in the city of Minneapolis than any other solar contractor and know the ins and outs of this incentive to help our customers get the most out of their solar array. We urge you to act as quickly as possible as we cannot predict when all funding will be allocated for this program.

We want to help you! Contact us now to guarantee your savings!

All Energy Solar is a turn-key solar installation company that wants to help you save money on your solar investment. We have been installing solar since 2009 and know the ins and outs of the entire process. To learn more about Minnesota solar incentives, view our website to access helpful resources such as blog posts, infographics, videos and more. 

All Energy Solar Minneapolis Cost Share Guarantee Rebate Terms & Conditions â€“ All Energy Solar (the Contractor) will apply for this project to receive a 2024 Base Incentive Minneapolis Green Cost Share rebate, so long as there are sufficient Environmental Justice and/or Afforadble Justice category applicants available to make this application possible. In the event the Contractor is unable to apply for this incentive due to the city’s solar group purchase property category threshold requirements , the Contractor agrees to provide this customer with a Minneapolis Cost Share Guarantee Rebate following completion of installation. This rebate will be calculated by multiplying the Base Incentive rate ($0.20/kWh) by the amount of solar production estimated to be produced in year 1 after installation completion. Contract must be signed by March 31, 2024 to qualify.

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