All Energy Solar

Did You Know? Not All Solar Needs To Be Roof Mounted

You might be surprised to learn that not all solar photovoltaic (PV) systems need to be roof-mounted, or just how many options are available.202204_NotAllRoofMounted

Ground mounts

The term ground-mounted solar PV system is a bit misleading. Although the panels are not attached to a primary structure and are typically located in an open area on a property, they do require the construction of a structurally sound frame. Typically, these are dedicated structures designed and built solely to support the solar panels. However, in some cases, ground-mount installations are used to create shaded areas in parking lots or around patios.

Pergolas and gazebos

Secondary structures like pergolas or gazebos can be great locations for installing a solar array. Because pergolas and gazebos are often designed to shield an area from high-intensity sun, they are often ideal places for installing solar panels. The crucial piece is that a pergola or gazebo needs to be a stable, permanent structure with sound structural engineering to be an option.

Out-buildings and secondary structures

In many cases, our home or business may have a secondary structure on the property that serves as an ideal location for a solar installation. Pole barns, barns, sheds and detached garages can all be potential options for a solar installation so long as the buildings are structurally sound and can be easily connected to the utility meter.

Contact an All Energy Solar representative to help you assess which options are available to you.

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