Carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere reached 400 parts per million this year and are expected to rise. Scientists predict mass extinctions, a several degree rise in global temperatures, and rising sea levels that will potentially displace entire cities.
Climate change is a real issue and one that will not go away no matter how many bogus studies are commissioned by big oil. To address climate change we need to take a long, hard look at the way we live our lives and generate our energy.
Fortunately, at All Energy Solar we have already begun and are installing solutions every day. In fact, in the first quarter of 2013 almost half of the electrical generation capacity that came online nationwide was from solar.
Solar energy is an economically viable option that is beginning to reach grid-parity in countries around the world. The energy it provides is clean and produced on hot summer days when demand for electricity to power AC units is highest.
Best of all, solar energy does not emit any of the nasty carbon emissions and greenhouse gases that come along with oil and other traditional energy resources.
Yet many well-off homeowners are still dragging their feet when it comes to solar despite its economic viability and their own environmental conscious. Their reason: aesthetics.
“NIMBY” or “not in my backyard” is the phrase used to describe this phenomenon, which has caused some of the world’s poorest and least fortunate to bear the brunt of the worst that environmental degradation has to offer. Solar panels can be beautiful. Find out how.
However, the worst that environmental degradation has to offer will not stay in someone else’s backyard. Fortunately, those who have tried to push the effects of climate change onto the less fortunate are also the ones with enough power and the means to do something about it by finally confronting their NIMBY complexes.
They must ask themselves, “What would I rather not have in my backyard, a toxic environment or solar panels?” We hope they choose the former.