All Energy Solar

Why Every New Home Should Be Outfitted For Solar

In 2020 the state of California passed legislation (known as Title 24) that requires every new home built in the state to be outfitted with solar panels. Title 24 will be updated in 2022 with new legislation requiring all residential homes to be electric-ready, including language and guidance on installing battery storage systems. The first of its kind in the U.S., these requirements have been met by critics and supporters alike, prompting us to explain why we believe every new home should be outfitted for solar, regardless of legislation.

The way of the future

Solar energy has rapidly become the fastest-growing renewable energy source in the United States, helping to deliver clean, renewable energy to millions of people daily.
Just as indoor plumbing and central air were once on the cutting edge of new home construction, they soon became standard, and homeowners without these advancements as an integrated part of the design of their home were left to retrofit their homes to accommodate.

Seamless integration

Much of the work required by a builder to outfit a home for solar can easily be folded in the current new home building process with very little to almost no additional effort or cost. In contrast, retrofitting a home with the required elements for solar integration often requires creative problem solving, may drive added costs, and be less than optimal. An added benefit of outfitting and even installing a solar photovoltaic system when a home is built is that the cost for the solar PV system can be integrated into the cost of the build process as a part of the total home loan.

Better by design

When solar is considered at the onset of the new home construction process, it often forces architects, builders, and homeowners to examine the home’s overall energy needs to ensure that they are maximizing the energy potential and reducing any unnecessary demand. This approach often results in long-term savings for the homeowners, reduced strain on the energy grid, and environmental benefits.

To learn more about integrating solar into your home’s design, download our handbook, Making the Switch with All Energy Solar, or contact an All Energy Solar representative directly.

ebook: Solar for Business

Related Resources

eBook: Making the Switch With All Energy Solar

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