Over December 2021 and January 2022, we held a Winter Solar Photo Contest. We had so many submissions that we couldn’t keep up with posting them all to our Facebooks, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts!
For the contest, all we asked was that our customers snap a seasonal photo of their solar array in a pretty, snowy winter display and submit it to us, either via social or email. At the beginning of February when all of the submissions had been collected, we held an internal vote on our favorites. Four participants won ecobee SmartThermostats and six others won $50 gift cards.
Best Residential Solar, Hartford, Wisconsin
Best Non-Residential Solar, Esko, Minnesota
Best Drone Shot, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Best Overall Composition, Duluth, Minnesota
Most Festive, Hastings, Minnesota
Best Employee Solar, Roseville, Minnesota
Best Smiling Face, Burnsville, Minnesota
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